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2D geometric shape vertices coordinates detection

I am trying to find the vertices and their coordinates for simple geometric shape using marvin-framework.

This is the code I have (based on

package com.example.marvin;

import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.floodfillSegmentation;
import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.moravec;
import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.scale;


import marvin.image.MarvinImage;
import marvin.image.MarvinSegment;

public class ShapesExample {

    private FileWriter fw = null;

    public ShapesExample() throws IOException{
        fw = new FileWriter("out.txt");

        // Scale down the image since the desired features can be extracted
        // in a lower resolution.
        MarvinImage image = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("square.png");
        scale(image.clone(), image, 269);

        // segment each object
        MarvinSegment[] objs = floodfillSegmentation(image);
        MarvinSegment seg;  

        OUT("Number of objects: " + objs.length);

        // For each object...
        // Skip position 0 which is just the background
        for(int i=1; i<objs.length; i++){
            seg = objs[i];
            OUT("seq: " + seg);
            MarvinImage imgSeg = image.subimage(seg.x1-5, seg.y1-5, seg.width+10, seg.height+10);
            OUT("i = " + i + "/" + objs.length);
            int[][] output;
            output = moravec(imgSeg, null, 18, 1000000);
            int xcount = 0;
            for(int x = 0; x < output.length; x++) {
                OUT("x = " + xcount++ + "/" + output[x].length);
                for(int y = 0; y < output[y].length; y++) {
                    OUTNONL("y = " + output[x][y] + " ");


    private void OUTNONL(String str) throws IOException {

    private void OUT(String str) throws IOException {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        new ShapesExample();

square.png contains the shape image


This is the output I see:

Number of objects: 3
seq: {x1:97, x2:136, y1:35, y2:72, width:40, height:38, area:189}
i = 1/3
x = 0/48
y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 
x = 48/48
y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 
seq: {x1:99, x2:135, y1:36, y2:71, width:37, height:36, area:1333}
i = 2/3
x = 0/46
y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 
x = 46/46
y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 y = 0 

(where i is nth object detected in image, x is row, y is column) As you can see all values are 0.


  • what am i missing in getting the coordinates?
  • why does it detect 3 shapes in the image?


  • "why does it detect 3 shapes in the image?"

    FloodfillSegmentation fill areas of pixels having distinct colors. In your case there are three separated areas: (1) white background, (2) square lines, (3) square interior. To solve this, I simply transformed your square in a solid shape:

     boundaryFill(image.clone(), image, 1, 1, Color.BLACK);

    enter image description here

    "what am i missing in getting the coordinates?"

    The moravec output is not a list of vertices. It's a map of pixels having an intensity value related to corners positions. I added getVertices(int[][] cornernessMap, int minDistanceBetweenPoints) method to your application in order to get the correct position of the vertices.


    output image:

    enter image description here

    output text:

    Number of objects: 1
    Vertex: (147,54)
    Vertex: (147,105)
    Vertex: (200,54)
    Vertex: (200,105)

    source code:

    import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.boundaryFill;
    import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.floodfillSegmentation;
    import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.invertColors;
    import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.moravec;
    import static marvin.MarvinPluginCollection.scale;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import marvin.image.MarvinImage;
    import marvin.image.MarvinSegment;
    public class ShapesExample {
        private FileWriter fw = null;
        public ShapesExample() throws IOException{
            fw = new FileWriter("out.txt");
            // Scale down the image since the desired features can be extracted
            // in a lower resolution.
            MarvinImage image = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/square.png");
            scale(image.clone(), image, 400);
            // Transform the square in a solid shape
            boundaryFill(image.clone(), image, 1, 1, Color.BLACK);
            MarvinImageIO.saveImage(image, "./res/square_2.png");
            // segment each object
            MarvinSegment[] objs = floodfillSegmentation(image);
            MarvinSegment seg;  
            OUT("Number of objects: " + (objs.length-1));
            int MATRIX_SIZE = 5;
            // For each object...
            // Skip position 0 which is just the background
            for(int i=1; i<objs.length; i++){
                seg = objs[i];
                int[][] output = moravec(image, null, MATRIX_SIZE, 1000);
                List<Point> vertices = getVertices(output, 10);
                // Draw the vertices and print coordinates
                for(Point p:vertices) {
                    image.fillRect(p.x-(MATRIX_SIZE/2), p.y-(MATRIX_SIZE/2), 5, 5,; 
                    OUT("Vertex: ("+p.x+","+p.y+")");
            MarvinImageIO.saveImage(image, "./res/square_out.png");
        private List<Point> getVertices(int[][] cornernessMap, int minDistanceBetweenPoints){
            int corners=0;
            List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
            for(int x=0; x<cornernessMap.length; x++){
                for(int y=0; y<cornernessMap[0].length; y++){
                    // Is it a corner?
                    if(cornernessMap[x][y] > 0){
                        // This part of the algorithm avoid inexistent corners
                        // detected almost in the same position due to noise.
                        Point newPoint = new Point(x,y);
                        if(points.size() == 0){
                            points.add(newPoint); corners++;
                        }else {
                            boolean valid=true;
                            for(Point p:points){
                                if(newPoint.distance(p) < minDistanceBetweenPoints){
                                points.add(newPoint); corners++;
            return points;
        private void OUTNONL(String str) throws IOException {
        private void OUT(String str) throws IOException {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            new ShapesExample();