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dlib vs opencv which one to use when

I am currently learning OpenCV API with Python and its all good. I am making decent progress. Part of it comes from Python syntax's simplicity as against using it with C++ which I haven't attempted yet. I have come to realize that I have to get dirty with C++ bindings for OpenCV at some point if I intend to do anything production quality.

Just recently I came across dlib which also claims to do all the things OpenCV does and more. Its written in C++ and offers Python API too (surprise). Can anybody vouch for dlib based on their own implementation experience?


  • I have used both OpenCV and dlib extensively for face detection and face recognition and dlib is much accurate as compared to OpenCV Haar based face detector. ( Note that OpenCV now has a DNN module where we get Deep Learning based Face Detector and Face Recognizer models. )

    I'm in the middle of comparing the OpenCV-DNN vs Dlib for face detection / recognition. Will post the results once I'm done with it.

    There are many useful functions available in dlib, but I prefer OpenCV for any other CV tasks.

    EDIT : As promised, I have made a detailed comparison of OpenCV vs Dlib Face Detection methods.

    Here is my conclusion :

    General Case

    In most applications, we won’t know the size of the face in the image before-hand. Thus, it is better to use OpenCV – DNN method as it is pretty fast and very accurate, even for small sized faces. It also detects faces at various angles. We recommend to use OpenCV-DNN in most

    For medium to large image sizes

    Dlib HoG is the fastest method on CPU. But it does not detect small sized faces ( < 70x70 ). So, if you know that your application will not be dealing with very small sized faces ( for example a selfie app ), then HoG based Face detector is a better option. Also, If you can use a GPU, then MMOD face detector is the best option as it is very fast on GPU and also provides detection at various angles.

    For more details, you can read my article