My cassandra table columns in lower case like below
CREATE TABLE model_family_by_id(
model_family_id int PRIMARY KEY,
model_family text,
create_date date,
last_update_date date,
model_family_name text
my dataframe schema is like this
|-- MODEL_FAMILY_ID: decimal(38,10) (nullable = true)
|-- MODEL_FAMILY: string (nullable = true)
|-- CREATE_DATE: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- LAST_UPDATE_DATE: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- MODEL_FAMILY_NAME: string (nullable = true)
So while insert into cassandra I am getting below error
tabException in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: Columns not found in table sample_cbd.model_family_by_id: MODEL_FAMILY_ID, MODEL_FAMILY, CREATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, MODEL_FAMILY_NAME
at com.datastax.spark.connector.SomeColumns.selectFrom(ColumnSelector.scala:44)
If I correctly understand the source code, the Spark Connector wraps the columns in to the double quotes, so they become case-sensitive, and don't match to the names in the CQL definition.
You need to change schema of your DataFrame - either run the withColumnRenamed
on it for every column, or use select
with alias
for every column.