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PUT and POST - same parameter but bad request for PUT

I have Post method and Put method for requestMapping("projects").

public ResponseEntity<ResultDomain> updateProjet(@RequestParam String projectJSON,
        @RequestParam MultipartFile image, @RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile image1,
        @RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile image2) throws Exception {

public ResponseEntity<ResultDomain> addProjet(@RequestParam String projectJSON, @RequestParam MultipartFile image,
        @RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile image1, @RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile image2)
        throws Exception {

These 2 method have exactly the same parameter. When i request for POST, I have no problem with it. But when i request for PUT, it will return bad request. Is there any restriction for PUT method?


POST METHOD enter image description here

PUT METHOD enter image description here

Please help. Thanks in advance


  • Finally, I'm able to solve it by replace @RequestParam String projectJSON to @RequestPart String projectJSON. Still don't know why though..can anyone explain? Thanks for the kind answer..appreciated it