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Method to insert into a binary tree problem

I have an issue with inserting into a binary tree, the following code doesn't seem to work the way i want it to.

  public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>>
                                   boolean inorderInsert(BTree<E> T, E x) {

   BTreeNode<E> n = T.getRoot();
    if(T.getRoot() == null) {
        T.setRoot(new BTreeNode<E>(x));

 while (n != null) {
         if (x.compareTo(n.getElement()) == 0)
             return false;
         else if (x.compareTo(n.getElement()) < 0)
         if(n.getLeftChild()==null) {
             n.setLeftChild(new BTreeNode<E> (x));
         if(n.getLeftChild()!=null) {
         if(x.compareTo(n.getElement()) > 0) {
         if(n.getRightChild()==null) {
             n.setRightChild(new BTreeNode<E> (x));
         if(n.getRightChild()!=null ) {
     } // while
    return true;


with following inputs:

             10 3 8 4 10 5 5 18 19 13 

code produces the following output:

             3 4 5 13 18 19 8 10  

instead of:

             3 4 5 8 10 13 18 19 10 

i was thinking about making a tree in a way that it would come out as:

                      __/  \__
                     3         18                                                             
                      \       /  \
                       8     13  19                                               

I can't find where i went wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • When i went over the code i found what was wrong, this code produced the desired results.

        boolean inorderInsert(BTree<E> T, E x) {
        BTreeNode<E> n = T.getRoot();
        if(T.getRoot() == null) {
            T.setRoot(new BTreeNode<E>(x));
        while (n != null) {
            if (x.equals(n.getElement()))                            
            return false;                                                             
    else if (x.compareTo(n.getElement()) < 0)                  
            if (n.getLeftChild() == null) {                            
            n.setLeftChild(new BTreeNode<E>(x));                      
            return true;                                              
            n = n.getLeftChild();                                                                                                    
    else  if (n.getRightChild() == null){                            
            n.setRightChild(new BTreeNode<E>(x));                   
            return true;                                               
            n = n.getRightChild();                                  
            return false;                                              