Search code examples

stack smashing detected, abort, OpenGl freeglut

So I have the following code for graphics perspective projection:

#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h> 

#define UpperBD 5 
#define PI      3.1415926 
#define Num_pts 10

float Xe = 200.0f;
float Ye = 200.0f;
float Ze = 200.0f;
float Rho = sqrt(pow(Xe, 2) + pow(Ye, 2) + pow(Ze, 2));
float D_focal = 20.0f;

typedef struct {
    float X[UpperBD];
    float Y[UpperBD];
    float Z[UpperBD];
} pworld;

typedef struct {
    float X[UpperBD];
    float Y[UpperBD];
    float Z[UpperBD];
} pviewer;

typedef struct {
    float X[UpperBD];
    float Y[UpperBD];
} pperspective;

void mydisplay()
    // define x-y coordinate 
    float p1x = -1.0f, p1y = 0.0f;
    float p2x = 1.0f, p2y = 0.0f;
    float p3x = 0.0f, p3y = 1.0f;
    float p4x = 0.0f, p4y = -1.0f;


    pworld  world;
    pviewer viewer;
    pperspective perspective;

    //define the x-y-z world coordinate 
    world.X[0] = 0.0;    world.Y[0] = 0.0;   world.Z[0] = 0.0;    // origin  
    world.X[1] = 50.0;   world.Y[1] = 0.0;   world.Z[1] = 0.0;    // x-axis
    world.X[2] = 0.0;    world.Y[2] = 50.0;  world.Z[2] = 0.0;    // y-axis    
    world.X[3] = 0.0;    world.Y[3] = 0.0;   world.Z[3] = 50.0;   // y-axis 

    float sPheta = Ye / sqrt(pow(Xe, 2) + pow(Ye, 2));
    float cPheta = Xe / sqrt(pow(Xe, 2) + pow(Ye, 2));
    float sPhi = sqrt(pow(Xe, 2) + pow(Ye, 2)) / Rho;
    float cPhi = Ze / Rho;

    float xMin = 1000.0, xMax = -1000.0;
    float yMin = 1000.0, yMax = -1000.0;

    for (int i = 0; i <= UpperBD; i++)
        viewer.X[i] = -sPheta * world.X[i] + cPheta * world.Y[i];
        viewer.Y[i] = -cPheta * cPhi * world.X[i]
            - cPhi * sPheta * world.Y[i]
            + sPhi * world.Z[i];
        viewer.Z[i] = -sPhi * cPheta * world.X[i]
            - sPhi * cPheta * world.Y[i]
            - cPheta * world.Z[i] + Rho;

    for (int i = 0; i <= UpperBD; i++)
        perspective.X[i] = D_focal * viewer.X[i] / viewer.Z[i];
        perspective.Y[i] = D_focal * viewer.Y[i] / viewer.Z[i];
        if (perspective.X[i] > xMax) xMax = perspective.X[i];
        if (perspective.X[i] < xMin) xMin = perspective.X[i];
        if (perspective.Y[i] > yMax) yMax = perspective.Y[i];
        if (perspective.Y[i] < yMin) yMin = perspective.Y[i];
        std::cout << "xMin " << xMin << std::endl;
        std::cout << "xMax " << xMax << std::endl;
        std::cout << "yMin " << yMin << std::endl;
        std::cout << "yMax " << yMax << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i <= UpperBD; i++)
        if ((xMax - xMin) != 0) perspective.X[i] = perspective.X[i] / (xMax - xMin);
        if ((yMax - yMin) != 0) perspective.Y[i] = perspective.Y[i] / (yMax - yMin);
        //std::cout << i << perspective.X[i] << perspective.Y[i] << std::endl;

    // cross at the display screen 
    //glVertex2f(p3x, p3y);
    //glVertex2f(p4x, p4y);

    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[0], perspective.Y[0]);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[1], perspective.Y[1]);
    glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[0], perspective.Y[0]);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[2], perspective.Y[2]);
    glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[0], perspective.Y[0]);
    glVertex2f(perspective.X[3], perspective.Y[3]);




int main(int argc, char** argv)
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutCreateWindow("132 transformation pipeline");

I am able to compile this code, but whenever I run it I get the error "stack smashing detected". I have no idea why this is happening. Also other people got this same exact code to work, but it's not working for me. I am using ubuntu for this. Any help with this error would be highly appreciated.


  • replace :

    for (int i = 0; i <= UpperBD; i++)

    with :

    for (int i = 0; i < UpperBD; i++)

    in all instances.