I'm building my .NET Core app in Travis CI using Cake script, when it comes to
var d = new DirectoryInfo(packageOutputPath.ToString());
var Files = d.GetFiles("*.nupkg").Select(x => new FilePath(x.FullName));
var key = EnvironmentVariable("NugetKey");
NuGetPush(Files, new NuGetPushSettings {
Source = Variables.NugetSource,
ApiKey = key
command I get:
An error occurred when executing task 'PushPackage'.
Error: One or more errors occurred. (Permission denied)
Permission denied
My .travis.yml
sudo: required
language: csharp
mono: none
dotnet: 2.1.402
- chmod +x build.sh
- ./build.sh --Target="PushPackage"
I have tried replacing - ./build.sh --Target="PushPackage"
with - sudo bash build.sh --Target="PushPackage"
but this did not help. Any suggestions why I'm getting this error?
build.sh file was builded according to this. Whole repo is here.
You should be using the DotNetCoreNuGetPush
alias when using the .NET CLI, NuGetPush
requires nuget.exe
DirectoryPath packageOutputPath = MakeAbsolute(Directory("./nuget/"));
var settings = new DotNetCoreNuGetPushSettings
Source = "https://www.example.com/nugetfeed",
ApiKey = "4003d786-cc37-4004-bfdf-c4f3e8ef9b3a"
foreach(var file in GetFiles($"{packageOutputPath}/*.nupkg"))
DotNetCoreNuGetPush(file.FullPath, settings);