Search code examples

How to report the scraping progress of X-Ray?

Like I scrape 3 pages with the code below:

var Xray = require('x-ray');
var x = Xray();

x('', '.post', [{
  title: 'h1 a',
  link: '.article-title@href'
  .paginate('.nav-previous a@href')

How can I report the progression?

I tried the .then() but seems not work.

x('', '.post', [{
  title: 'h1 a',
  link: '.article-title@href'
  .paginate('.nav-previous a@href')
  //something to report the progression

Or callback function which also wouldn't work

x('', '.post', [{
  title: 'h1 a',
  link: '.article-title@href'
  //something to report the progress
  .paginate('.nav-previous a@href')


  • the .then() can work, but not after write

    .then() expected (I THINK!) a promise. after .write() there is nothing left.

    You can try deleting the .write and using then to console.log the results like this:

    var Xray = require('x-ray');
    var x = Xray();
    x('', '.post', [{
      title: 'h1 a',
      link: '.article-title@href'
      .paginate('.nav-previous a@href')
    /*   .write('results.json') */
      .then(result => {

    and that will print the title and link of the page you scraped.

    you could use .then() and inside, print every result to a file using something like fs, for example

    var Xray = require('x-ray');
    const fs = require('fs')
    var x = Xray();
    x('', '.post', [{
      title: 'h1 a',
      link: '.article-title@href'
      .paginate('.nav-previous a@href')
      .then(results => {
        let res = JSON.stringify(results, null, 2);
        fs.writeFile('results.json', res, (err) => {
          if (err) throw err
          console.log('result saved!')

    here JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) is just taking an object (results is an array of objects) and turning it into json (the third argument - that 2 - is just to make it pretty)

    then using fs.writeFile (a native node module) you write the json object on results.json

    you could even make it object by object using forEach()


     results.forEach(result => {
     //log the individual result and put in on an empty array, and then write the array