I'm trying to superscript the cents in some prices; the prices are dynamic so I can't manually add the sup tags in the HTML.
As far as I know, the prices should be formatted like "3,99 €" but I don't want anything to break if they're changed to something like "€3.99" in the future.
I was trying to use a RegEx like
var matcher = /(\.|\,)\d{2}(?![\d])/;
return price.replace(matcher, '<sup>' + matcher + '</sup>');
but I haven't quite figured out how to get only the cents value wrapped between the superscript tags. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
This should do it: (\d[,.])(\d{2})(?!\d)
. An extra capture group is needed to allow more characters to be matched while not being replaced (a workaround for positive lookbehind).
var regex = /(\d[,.])(\d{2})(?!\d)/g;
var str = 'Test test test 100,99€ test 2.116.600,99€ test € 2,50 test.';
console.log(str.replace(regex, '$1<sup>$2</sup>'));
(\d[,.]) | Capture a digit followed by "," or "."
(\d{2}) | Capture the two cents digits
(?!\d) | Ensure a digit doesn't follow the previous capture