I would like to get the text of a particular webelement in a web page in QAF. With selenium we use
How do I write the above code in QAF ?
You can use the same way as you are using in normal selenium for example:
In addition to that, with qaf there are multiple ways to achieve it.
Let say your locator is id=id
, To create element object you can use one of the following way:
new QAFExtendedWebElement(loc)
short hand:
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.webdriver.ElementFactory.$;
To get value in code
String val = $(loc).getAttribute("value");
To assert/verify/wait value in code
Using inbuilt steps from qaf-support:
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.CommonStep.*;
verifyValue(loc, value);
assertValue(loc, value);
waitForValue(loc, value);
Steps to assert/verify/wait value in BDD
verify 'loc' value is 'expectedValue'
assert 'loc' value is 'expectedValue'
wait until 'loc' value is 'expectedValue'