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Winrar command line not deleting recursive when not using Wildcards

I'm trying to delete some files in a WinRar Archive using the Command Line.

The Rar-File:


Here's my Code:

cd "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\" && rar d -cl -r "c:\full\path\testing.rar" some-data.txt

It only deletes the some-data.txt file in the root, not inside /testing/

When using

cd "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\" && rar d -cl -r "c:\full\path\testing.rar" some-data.*

(changed the extension to .*) it does delete both files.

Am I doing something wrong?


  • While the d command can not handle it, a simple pipe can deal with it

    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        set "rar=C:\Program Files\WinRar\rar.exe"
        set "archive=c:\full\path\testing.rar"
            %= List archive contents =%
            "%rar%" lb -ed "%archive%" 
            %= filter the list for the file in any subfolder =%
            findstr /i /e /l /c:"\somedata.txt"
            %= and include the root file =%
            echo somedata.txt
            %= Delete from archive the list of files read from stdin =%
            "%rar%" d -cl -n@ "%archive%"

    The second step (filter the list of files in archive) is splited in the findstr and the echo just to prevent the case when the file to be deleted is not present in the output. Without a list of files the -n@ modifier (read files to delete from stdin) will not read anything and all the archive contents will be removed.