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Redirect MSBuild output path when using Cake

coming from Fake I am used to keep the standard output of csproj files to bin/debug to be able to debug locally. But when running my build script, I want the files to be compiled to /bin/build in order to create setup scripts or nuget packages.

I tried it with cake, but w/o success:

.DoesForEach( GetFiles ("**/*.sln" ), (sln) =>
   var settings = new MSBuildSettings()
    .WithProperty("OutputPath", buildDir);
   MSBuild(sln, settings);

It produces the right call for MSBuild

"C:/.../MSBuild.exe" /v:normal /p:OutputPath=bin/build /target:Build ...

but unfortunately, the destination dir is empty? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance


  • OutputPath needs to be an absolute path, try something like:

    .DoesForEach( GetFiles ("**/*.sln" ), (sln) =>
        DirectoryPath buildDir = MakeAbsolute(Directory("./bin/build"));
        // Use MSBuild
        var settings = new MSBuildSettings()
                            .WithProperty("OutputPath", buildDir.FullPath);
        MSBuild(sln, settings);