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jQuery hashchange plugin issue

i've an issue with Ben Alman's hashchange event plugin and my custom Tabs_Plugin. Every time the hashchange event was triggered or i've clicked a tab link the page jumps to the top of the page.

Normally i solve those problems simply by adding return false or event.preventDefault to the links but in this case it is not working for me.

If i add return false the whole plugin stops to work. Take a look:

Here is the relevant plugin code. I've included the hashchange plugin above (not included here).

// hashchange plugin here

(function ($) {
    var tabs = {
        init : function (element, options) {
  , options);
            tabs.navigation(element, options);
        // Build tab navigation from headlines
        menu : function (element, options) {
            var menulist = '';
            element.find(options.menusource).each(function () {
                var el = $(this), plaintext = el.text(), parent = el.parent(), itemID = plaintext.split(" ").join("").toLowerCase();
                menulist += '<li><a href="#' + itemID + '">' + plaintext + '</a></li>';
                parent.attr('id', itemID);
            element.prepend('<ul class="' + options.menuclass + '">' + menulist + '</ul>');
            element.find(options.tabbody).wrapAll('<div class="'+options.wrapperclass+'"></div>');
        navigation : function (element, options) {
            $(window).hashchange(function () {
                var menu = $('.' + options.menuclass);
                var hash = location.hash || menu.find('a:first').attr('href');

                if (hash) {
                    menu.find('a').each(function () {
                        var that = $(this);
                        that[that.attr('href') === hash ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](options.currentclass);

                    tabs.hidetab(element, options);
                    tabs.showtab(element, hash, options.onShow);
                } else {
        showtab : function(element, hash, onShow){
            element.find(hash).show(0, onShow);
        hidetab: function(element, options){

        cctabs: function (config, onShow) {
            var defaults = {
                wrapperclass: 'tab-content',
                currentclass: 'current',
                menuclass : 'tabmenu',
                menusource: 'h2',
                tabbody: '.tab',
                onShow: null

            var options = $.extend(defaults, config);

            return this.each(function () {
                var element = $(this);
                tabs.init(element, options); 


  • What about using Jquery Tools tabs plugin with the history plugin also from Jquery Tools.