I want to test concurrency of application, I'm using apache Jmeter for that, the endpoint I'm requesting, needs to have authorization header for authentication, in apache Jmeter HTTP Header Manager i have added a header with the name Authorization with the token value, now lets say I have 5 number of threads (users), when the test runs all the 5 users request with the same authorization token, I want each thread to request with the different token, to simulate the different users and not multiple instances of one user, I hope the question makes sense, How can I make each thread request the api with different token? that is unique header value for each thread's request. Thanks love you guys.
If you have 5 different users - you need to have 5 different tokens. You can put the tokens into i.e. a CSV file and add CSV Data Set Config to your Test Plan
Once done you will be able to access each entry of the CSV file (which will be different for each thread/iteration) as ${token}
in the HTTP Header Manager
Check out JMeter Parameterization - The Complete Guide article to learn more about the concept of performing data-driven tests using various external data sources like CSV files, databases, etc.