So i am using Express and create an MVC application. I have a list of email that i want to put into javascript variable in the front end and create an auto complete so currently the controller looks like this:
res.render('/page',{emails: emails})
the emails
is a JSON structured, can be stringified if needed. and my pug template is as follow
input (type = "text" id="suggestion")
div (class = "custom-suggestion" id="suggestion-list")
and at the end, i override custom scripts block with:
var emailList = ///////////i want the email from controller's data
How can i achieve this? Any suggestion as long as i can pass the data to the javascript side will be considerable
EDIT To make the code clearer:
var app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'pug');
router = express.Router();
emails = ['','',''];
res.render('index', {emails:emails})
extend layout
block content
h1= title
block scripts
emails= emails /// not working
////////////// how to render this line as
////////////// emails = ['','','']
You can use interpolation to do this:
emails= !{JSON.stringify(emails)};
Note that there's a period after the script tag, this tells pug to treat the content inside the tag to be plain text. Without that period it will create a script tag then an email tag (<script><email></email></script>
) which is not what you want here.
Now that you're in plain text mode you can output the template variable into a JavaScript variable using an unescaped interpolation command (!{...}
) with a stringify inside.