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Having issue while accessing Android packages in NativeScript

As the documentation suggests:

The Android packages are available in the JavaScript/TypeScript global context and are the entry point for accessing Android APIs. Think of them as of TypeScript/C# namespaces, or the way to access sets of classes. For example, the android.view package grants access to classes like android.view.View - the base of all view elements in Android.

But when I try to access any package it gives me following error: enter image description here

Error: Cannot find name 'android'

I don't know what is wrong here maybe the documentation is outdated or I am missing something. If you know that please let me know please let me know I can solve this problem.


  • When working with TypeScript (and even with plain JavaScript if you want intelliSense for the native APIs) you need to have explicit declarations (usually coming from typings files with *.d.ts extension). From the same documentation article, you have referred

    Note: To have access and Intellisense for the native APIs with NativeScript + TypeScript or NativeScript + Angular projects, you have to add a dev dependency to tns-platform-declarations. More details about accessing native APIs with TypeScript can be found here.

    Detailed instructions for how to use tns-platform-declarations can also be found here or in the plugin's instructions