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NativeScript: Disable all controls while ActivityIndicator is shown

Lets say there is a login page with username\password TextFields and login Button. When the button is pressed a request is set to a server and ActivityIndicator is shown. Currently I put StackLayout on top of all other controls not to give the user a possibility to click on them while processing the request. But in some cases TextField stays focused and the user can type there.

I'm already using a component to wrap all TextFields to show validation errors:

  selector: "field",
  template: "<grid-layout><ng-content></ng-content>...</grid-layout>"
export class FieldComponent {
  @ContentChild(NgModel) private input: NgModel;

My question is can I set isEnabled property to false on TextField inside ng-content from FieldComponent having NgModel or in some another way? If it is impossible what is the best practices in this case to disable inputs when an app is busy?


  • There are a couple way you can do this;

    1. You can use a ngIf or binding on isEnabled to disable it based on a data bound value.

    2. You can create a simple routine that you call (my preferred method).

    function screenEnabled(isEnabled) {
           runAgainstTagNames('TextEdit', function(e) { e.isEnabled = isEnabled; });
           runAgainstTagNames('Button', function(e) { e.isEnabled = isEnabled; }); 

    The nativescript-dom plugin has the runAgainst*, or getElementBy* wrappers to talk to the native layer like you were talking to a html dom.

    Full disclosure, I'm the author of nativescript-dom, it is one of the plugins that I use in almost every app/demo I do.