i struggle with this simple function. My goal is it to parse a dot notated string to a nested object.
An array of this:
["image", "groups", "groups.tasks", "groups.image"]
Should me give this:
path: "image",
populate: []
}, {
path: "groups",
populate: [{
path: "tasks",
populate: []
}, {
path: "image",
populate: []
My code so far:
let populate = [];
const query = ["image", "groups", "groups.tasks", "groups.image"];
function parse(str, arr) {
let c = str.split(".");
let p = c.shift();
let entry = {
path: p,
populate: []
if (c.length > 0) {
console.log("Add to '%s'", p, c)
parse(c.join("."), entry.populate);
} else {
query.forEach(function (str, index) {
parse(str, populate);
All i get is the parent array, no childs:
[ { path: 'image', populate: [] },
{ path: 'groups', populate: [] } ]
I want to use it in a RESTful API where i can populate over nested mongoose documents. The populate array pass i then to the ".populate(...)" function in my express route
GET /api/computer?populate=image,groups,group.tasks
There should be no limitation on the deep of nested objects.
By my reaseaches i found this awnser: How transform string dot notation to nested object? But im not sure how to modify it to reach my goal.
You could reduce the array by reducing the splitted path strings.
var array = ["image", "groups", "groups.tasks", "groups.image"],
result = array.reduce((r, s) => {
s.split('.').reduce((a, path) => {
var object = a.find(o => o.path === path);
if (!object) {
a.push(object = { path, populate: [] });
return object.populate;
}, r);
return r;
}, []);
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