Search code examples

Applying a persistent filter to a tablesorter table

I would like to apply a persistent filter to a tablesorter table.

By this, I mean I would like to apply a filter in addition to the filters seen by the user. In other words, I want to make certain rows disappear as far as tablesorter is concerned, but I can't outright delete them as I need to be able to re-add them later.

The following demonstrates an attempt. While it appears to work, the hidden rows become visible when a filter becomes less restrictive. (e.g. Check the box, enter "B1" in the filter for column "B", then delete the "1".)

$(function() {
   var $table = $('#table').tablesorter({
      theme: 'blue',
      widgets: [ "zebra", "filter" ],
      widgetOptions : {

      if (this.checked) {
         $table.trigger('applyWidgetId', 'zebra');
      } else {
         // And somehow refresh the search here.
         $table.trigger('applyWidgetId', 'zebra');
tr.spoiler td { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) }
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<p><label for="hide_spoilers">Hide Spoilers</label><input id="hide_spoilers" type="checkbox"></p>

<table id="table">
      <tr class="spoiler"><td>A3</td><td>B3</td><td>C3</td></tr>

I also tried adding the filtered class to the rows, but it's no surprise that this doesn't work either.

This can be done using a hidden column, but that could mess with other features (such as filter_reset). Is there a native way?


  • The css specificity needs to be increased on the spoiler row:

    I modified the following (demo):


    <input id="hide_spoilers" type="checkbox" checked>
    <tr class="spoiler hide"><td>A3</td><td>B3</td><td>C3</td></tr>


    tr.spoiler td { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) }
    tr.spoiler.hide { display: none; }


       if (this.checked) {
          $table.trigger('applyWidgetId', 'zebra');
       } else {
          // And somehow refresh the search here.
          $table.trigger('applyWidgetId', 'zebra');