I am using class.forname to create a new instance of class.The classname comes from a properties.
Lets say i have several classes in two packages.
The following classes also exist in the above packages (This are not instantiated)
On initialisation, the above parser are put in a vector. The vector is then accessed and each class is initialised using its class name as shown below
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens())
Class.forName((String) tokens.nextToken()).newInstance());
}catch(Exception e){
The code above is in the class ParserLoader which is in the same package as parsers 1,2,3.
Parsers 1, 2 and 3 all implement the ParserInterface. Parsers 4,5 and 6 all extends the abtract GenericParser. The GenericParser implements the ParserInterface.
When i run the above it generates an exception shown below
com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method
Any ideas why this is happening?
Another problem i am having is i cant see any stack trace. There is no stacktrace! I only see that error in eclipse when i debug the application and look at the content of the parsers vector. The vector should contain references to the parser objects. The parsers in com.package.* package are fine but it is not creating instances of any parser in the net.package.* package.
I think you'll get this exception if your constructors are messed up or something else is broken while creating the parsers. Check this out: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/jdk/api/jpda/jdi/com/sun/jdi/InvocationException.html, and try to get more info out of your exception.