I have used Intent to integrate the zxing barcode scanner into my application but i am lost on what needs to be in the manifest. As of right now when i click on the button to launch the camera it causes a force close, when i click force close the barcode scanner opens up behind and works. The code linked to the button is as follows:
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent("com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN");
intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE");
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (requestCode == 0) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");
format = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT");
// Handle successful scan
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Handle cancel
this is the android manifest file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.CAMERA"/>
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".create" android:label="@string/app_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN" />
<category android:name="com.google.zxing.client.android" />
<activity android:name=".Scan" android:screenOrientation="landscape" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> </intent-filter> </activity>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
The logcat trace is extremely long:
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1696]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.Co
mmandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683238)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683241)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683250)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683253)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683256)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683259)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683265)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683268)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683271)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683274)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683280)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683283)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683286)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683295)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683304)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683310)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683322)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683325)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683331)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683334)%% +HTCUCSQ: 22\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683344)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683347)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683350)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683353)%% +HTCUCSQ: 13\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683356)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683359)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683362)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683374)%% +HTCUCSQ: 22\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683386)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683389)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683392)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683398)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683407)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683413)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683419)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683425)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683428)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683431)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683434)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683437)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683440)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683443)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683455)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683458)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683470)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683473)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683476)%% +HTCUCSQ: 14\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683482)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683485)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683494)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683497)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683500)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683503)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683506)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683512)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683521)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683527)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683530)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683536)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683539)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683542)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1697]> SCREEN_STATE: false
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): ril_func_screen_state_notified():called
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): fd_ballots():AP 0 votes to enable fast dormancy!
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)>> AT+ENCSQ=0\r
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)>> AT+CREG=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)>> AT+CSQ\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)<< +CSQ: 17,99\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)>> AT@HTCPDPFD=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)XX @PDPFD: garbage_count=0\r\n
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)>> AT+HTCPDPFD=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683544)<< 4\r
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): RILD <-- RIL (token 0xd298)
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): atdToken : 0xd298, bECMRedirected 0
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1697]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.Co
mmandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1698]> SCREEN_STATE: true
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): ril_func_screen_state_notified():called
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): fd_ballots():AP 0 votes to disable fast dormancy!
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+ENCSQ=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+CREG=2\r
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+CSQ\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< +CSQ: 20,0\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+CREG?\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< +CREG: 2,1,"9CCE","000060ED"\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+CGREG?\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< +CGREG: 1,1\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS?\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< +COPS: 0,2,"31026",3\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT@HTCPDPFD=0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)XX @PDPFD: garbage_count=0\r\n
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)>> AT+HTCPDPFD=0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683723)<< 4\r
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): RILD <-- RIL (token 0xdf88)
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): atdToken : 0xdf88, bECMRedirected 0
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1698]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.Co
mmandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683725)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683731)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683734)%% +HTCUCSQ: 21\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683740)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683758)%% +HTCUCSQ: 20\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683761)%% +HTCUCSQ: 19\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683770)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683779)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683782)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683788)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683791)%% +HTCUCSQ: 18\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683794)%% +HTCUCSQ: 16\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683797)%% +HTCUCSQ: 15\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683800)%% +HTCUCSQ: 17\r\n
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Vendor RIL ----> UNSOLICITED: 1009
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): Sending vendor RIL unsolicited message to rild
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1699]> SCREEN_STATE: false
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): ril_func_screen_state_notified():called
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): fd_ballots():AP 0 votes to enable fast dormancy!
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)>> AT+ENCSQ=0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)>> AT+CREG=1\r
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
D/GSM ( 1470): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)>> AT+CSQ\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)<< +CSQ: 17,99\r\n0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)>> AT@HTCPDPFD=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)XX @PDPFD: garbage_count=0\r\n
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)<< 0\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)>> AT+HTCPDPFD=1\r
D/HTC_RIL ( 1211): (t=1299683802)<< 4\r
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): RILD <-- RIL (token 0xd298)
D/RILSWITCH( 1211): atdToken : 0xd298, bECMRedirected 0
D/RILJ ( 1470): [1699]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.Co
mmandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
The ZXing project provides some code for calling XZing via an Intent on their Wiki:
If you're using that code, you don't need to add anything to your manifest file. From your activity you can just call
That will take care of verifying that ZXing is installed, and prompt the user to install it via the Marketplace if it isn't.