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How can I add a recurring timer to a Firefox addon?

I am trying to create an addon with the new addons builder preview (, and I need a function to run about once every 10 minutes. I have tried both setInterval and setTimeout, but they both return the following error:

    error: An exception occurred.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "resource://jid0-31njasqk3btmpa6paroepuybjn4-myaddon-lib/main.js", line 41, in 
    setTimeout(function() { timedCount(); }, 10000);
ReferenceError: setTimeout is not defined

(with setTimeout being replaced with setInterval when I tried it. The setTimeout function worked great in the similar webpage that I built. I just had the function call itself to give an infinite loop (It sounds stupid, there should be a while loop, but it was in a tutorial;) But now I can't get past that error in my addon.

Also, if you can help me parse a local or remote page in this addon (preferably remote, but I could make it parse a django-created page on localhost instead), or even better, just tell me how to use python ;) that would be great.



  • Use the timer module:

    var tmr = require('timer');
    tmr.setInterval(timedCount, 10000); // no need for an anon function since you don't pass any arguments to your function nor capture anything in a closure