I have a list of files for which I have to run the vimdiff command and save the output as a html file.I am doing this with Java. Below is the command I am trying to execute
String cmd = "vimdiff -c 'set foldlevel=9999' src/test/resources/testdata/output/html_output_before_changes/file1.html src/test/resources/testdata/output/html_output_after_changes/file2.html -c TOhtml -c 'w! different.html' -c 'qa!'"
When I run the below code, the code is getting executed. But I am not able to see the file getting generated.
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process process = rt.exec(cmd);
The command is running fine when executed from a terminal. But its not working when executed inside a java program. Can someone help me with this issue? I did a lot of search but not able to proceed with this.
After Two days I found the below Solution:
I added the vimdiff command to a shell script and executed it using the following method and it worked like a gem.
Java method
try {
File[] uiDiffDir = getFiles();
for (File file : uiDiffDir) {
String[] cmd = {"sh", shellScriptPath, file1, file2,
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
vimdiff -c 'set foldlevel=9999' $1 $2 -c TOhtml -c 'w! '"$3"'' -c 'qa!'