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Method is NOT allowed when i add 'POST' as a method in a view function

In all of my view functions if i 'methods=['POST'] for example:

@app.route( '/file', methods=['POST'] )

i receive the error:

    Error: 405 Method Not Allowed
Sorry, the requested URL '' caused an error:

Why Bottle gives me this error message?


  • I'd guess you get error when trying to get the view (GET). And that is result of your only allowing POST.

    You should have

    @app.route( '/file', method=['POST', 'GET'] )

    or a separate handler

    @app.route( '/file', method=['GET'] )

    Update: looks like there was a typo in your example that I copied over. 'methods' should be 'method'.

    Update2: Below is a working example:

    from bottle import Bottle, run
    app = Bottle()
    @app.route('/file', method=['GET', 'POST'])
    def file():
        return "Hello!"
    run(app, host='localhost', port=8080)