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Null parameter in Json controller method while Jquery parameter has value

I am creating a cascading dropdown list based on an example I found here

The query sent to the server to request the second dropdownlist values has non null parameters but when I break in the controller method, it appears empty. As you can see below.

Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks !!

parameter Country is null query from Chrome inspector

It's using jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 5 while my project is ASP.NET MVC Core 2

The code in the controller is the following :

public JsonResult States(string Country)
  List<string> StatesList = new List<string>();
  switch (Country)
     case "India":
       StatesList.Add("New Delhi");
  return Json(StatesList);

And here is the AJAX :

<script src = "/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js" > </script>
$(document).ready(function ()
    $("#State").prop("disabled", true);
    $("#Country").change(function ()
        if ($("#Country").val() != "Select")
             var CountryOptions = {};
             CountryOptions.url = "/Dropdown/states";
             CountryOptions.type = "POST";
    = JSON.stringify({ Country: $("#Country").val() });
             CountryOptions.datatype = "json";
             CountryOptions.contentType = "application/json";
             CountryOptions.success = function (StatesList)
                for (var i = 0; i < StatesList.length; i++)
                     $("#State").append("<option>" + StatesList[i] + "</option>");
                $("#State").prop("disabled", false);

            CountryOptions.error = function ()
                alert("Error in Getting States!!");
             $("#State").prop("disabled", true);


  • Since you have specified the contentType = "application/json" and are sending stringified data, then you need to add the [FromBody] attribute in the POST method to instruct the ModelBinder to use the content-type header to determine the IInputFormatter to use for reading the request (which for json is the JsonInputFormatter). Change the signature of the method to

    public JsonResult States([FromBody]string Country)

    However, it is not necessary send the data as json, and you can use the default contentType ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'). You can delete the contentType option and use = { Country: $("#Country").val() }; // not stringified
    // CountryOptions.contentType = "application/json";

    For more information, refer Model binding JSON POSTs in ASP.NET Core.