Certainly there is no one right way to do this, but I can't even think of any decent naming scheme, that's why I'm asking here. (So: While all answers will be subjective, they will be useful nevertheless!)
The problem is as follows: For simple aggregate structs, we do not use member var prefixes.
struct Info {
int x;
string s;
size_t z;
: x(-1)
, s()
, z(0)
{ }
It is nevertheless sometimes useful to provide an initializer ctor to initialize the struct, however - I cannot come up with a decent naming scheme for the parameters when the most natural names for them are already taken up by the member variables themselves:
struct Info {
int x;
string s;
size_t z;
Info(int x?, string s?, size_t z?)
: x(x?)
, s(s?)
, z(z?)
{ }
What are other people using in this situation?
Why invent pre/postfixes? I just use the same name. C++ is designed for that to work.
struct Info {
int x;
string s;
size_t z;
Info(int x, string s, size_t z)
: x(x)
, s(s)
, z(z)
{ }
It's straight forward.