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What is the correct way to access endpoints using get_url() or url()?

i'm using Bottle. I have defined several routes with their corresponding view function for example


How am i supposed to access the endpoints?! Here are the relevant view functions:

@app.route( '/log/<page>' )
def log( page ):

@app.route( '/showlogs' )
def showlogs():

What is the correct way to access those routes using get_url? I try to:

get_url( 'log', page=page )
get_url( 'showlogs' )

and the error iam receiving is:

[Sun Sep 23 00:35:21.013955 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 13159] [remote]   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 766, in get_url
[Sun Sep 23 00:35:21.013971 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 13159] [remote]     location =, **kargs).lstrip('/')
[Sun Sep 23 00:35:21.013975 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 13159] [remote]   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 403, in build
[Sun Sep 23 00:35:21.013978 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 13159] [remote]     if not builder: raise RouteBuildError("No route with that name.", _name)
[Sun Sep 23 00:35:21.013982 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 13159] [remote] bottle.RouteBuildError: ('No route with that name.', 'log')

Why get_url complains that there are no routes with that name when they are clearly are?!


  • (1) You haven't shown us your code, so we can't tell you what's wrong with it, but here's a working example of get_url. (Note that get_url is a method of the Bottle class, so you must use it as such.)

    from bottle import Bottle
    app = Bottle()
    def handle_log(page):
        return ['your page was: {}'.format(page)]
    def handle_showlogs():
        return ['showing the logs...']
    print app.get_url('/showlogs')  # prints "/showlogs"
    print app.get_url('/log/<page>', page='123')  # prints "/log/123"
    print app.get_url('nope')  # raises RouteBuildError, as expected

    (2) Your last question,

    How am i supposed to access the endpoints?

    makes me wonder if this is an XY problem (because I'm not sure what "access" could mean here).

    If it is (in other words: if, now that you know how to successfully call get_url, you still can't do what you're trying to do), then please resolve this question and simply ask a new question that states your goal; we'll try to help with that.

    Hope that helps!