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Silverlight application on legacy infrastructure? IIS 6 IE 6 .NET 2.0

I'm currently looking at the possibility of using silverlight for a portal style application for a big corperate.

The application is internal and 70% of the users are running IE6 and the chance of them upgrading is non-existent for a while (that's the way corporates roll)..

I know that silverlight runs fine in IE6 so from that angle were covered but it appears that you require .NET 4.0 to use the RIA services and entity framework to push data back and forth from silverlight on the client to the server..

This application needs to be hosted on a private (somewhat legacy) server which is runnning IIS 6 and currently running .NET 2.0..

Whats the best route for me to take?

Is it possible to run .NET 4.0 and RIA behind IIS 6?

Is there another way to do this without updating anything on the server?

Would i be better off firing XML or JSON back and forth from a .NET 2.0 application?

Thanks very much



  • Yes, you can run .Net 4 and RIA from IIS 6. You can also install .Net 4 along side .Net 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 without any conflicts.

    You can call vanilla asmx or wcf services from Silverlight, but WCF RIA makes life much easier.