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MognoDB: JSON util is deprecated

Up to now, I've been using this code in order to create a DBObject from a json string:

DBObject metadataObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(jsonString);

However, com.mongodb.util.JSON is deprecated, and it's recomended to use BasicDBObject.parse instead.

DBObject metadataObject = (DBObject)BasicDBObject.parse(jsonString);

Nevertheless, when jsonString is an array (like "[{k: 'v'},{o: 'p'}]" it throws an exception. JSON.parse works fine.

o, What I want to get is using BasicDBObject.parse(...):

(DBObject)JSON.parse("[{'hola': 'adeu'}, {'departament': [{'ambit': 'just', 'name': 'ts'}]}]");

code would be (this code crashes):

(DBObject)BasicDBObject.parse("[{'hola': 'adeu'}, {'departament': [{'ambit': 'just', 'name': 'ts'}]}]");

Any ideas?


  • You can use this,because there is no BasicDBList::parse method

    BsonArray parse = BsonArray.parse(json);
    BasicDBList dbList = new BasicDBList();
    DBObject dbObject = dbList;

    BasicDBObject.parse(...) is actually for parsing objects, not arrays which are represened by BasicDBList class.