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Calculate the volume of cylinder with JavaScript using prototype

I'm a JavaScript noob and beginner so don't get too hard on me.

I need to calculate the volume of a cylinder using a constructor function and prototype.

I've got a form with two inputs which I'll be getting the values from to do the calculation with. I have to create a new instance when the button is clicked and the calculation has to be outputted in the outcome input.

I seem to be stuck at the part to get the values out of the inputs as my console always says that 'hoogte' and 'diameter' is undefined when I click the button.

I've been looking at this for almost 24h now, but I'm not getting any progress..

This is my code:

<form action="">
        Diameter: <input type="text" id="diameter"><br><br>
        Hoogte: <input type="text" id="hoogte"> <br><br>
        <input type="button" value="bereken" id="berekenBtn"><br><br>
        <input type="text" id="uitkomst">

    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        document.getElementById("berekenBtn").addEventListener("click", bereken);

    function Cylinder(hoogte, diameter) {
        this.hoogte = hoogte;
        this.diameter = diameter;

    Cylinder.prototype.volume = function () {
        var radius = document.getElementById('diameter') = this.diameter / 2;
        var hoogte = document.getElementById('hoogte') = this.hoogte;

        var berekening = Math.PI * radius * radius * hoogte;

    function bereken() {
        var myCylinder = new Cylinder(
            document.getElementById("uitkomst").value = Cylinder()


  •  <form action="">
                Diameter: <input type="number" id="diameter"><br><br>
                Hoogte: <input type="number" id="hoogte"> <br><br>
                <input type="button" value="bereken" id="berekenBtn"><br><br>
                <input type="text" id="uitkomst">
             window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
            document.getElementById("berekenBtn").addEventListener("click", bereken);
        function Cylinder(hoogte, diameter) {
            this.hoogte = hoogte;
            this.diameter = diameter;
        Cylinder.prototype.volume = function () {
            var radius =  this.diameter / 2;
            var hoogte = this.hoogte;
            var berekening = Math.PI * radius * radius * hoogte;
            return berekening;
        function bereken() {
            var diameter = document.getElementById("diameter").value;
            var hoogte = document.getElementById("hoogte").value;
            var myCylinder = new Cylinder(diameter, hoogte);
            var result = myCylinder.volume();
            document.getElementById("uitkomst").value = result;

    I have modified some code, try to understand this, hope it will helps you !