I am trying to modify some entities in a service using Grails 2.3.11. I have stripped down to this code:
void updateCompanyType(CompanyType type, Map properties) {
def role = properties.role?.id ==~ /\d+/ ? Role.get(properties.role.id) : null
role.name = "Super New Name"
role.save(failOnError: true, flush: true)
if (type.role != role) {
type.role = role
type.name = properties.name
type.save(failOnError: true)
Type successfully updates, but the role does not. Any insight into why? I know that inside a service call, I'm in a transaction, so I've tried this both with and without the explicit save calls, and that seems to make no difference.
Partial look at the Role class:
class Role implements Comparable {
Integer id
String name
String code
RoleType roleType
I finally got this to work by setting
version true
on my Role domain object in the mapping section.