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How to cover catch block in Junit testing?

I'm trying to cover a test class to 100%. However, I'm able to do it up to 90% only as I'm not able to test catch block. Can anyone tell me how can I cover the catch block.

Below is my class to be tested:

public class UnsubscribeXmlTransformer {

    public Map<String, Object> process(Map<String, Object> requestMap) {

        String inputStream = requestMap.get(NeoConstants.INPUTSTREAM).toString();

        Smooks smooks;
        try {
            smooks = new Smooks("Unsubscribe-smooks.xml");

            JavaResult javaResult = new JavaResult();

            smooks.filterSource(new StringSource(inputStream), javaResult);

            UnsubscribeDetailsVO unsubscribeDetailsVO = (UnsubscribeDetailsVO) javaResult

            requestMap.put("unsubscribeDetailsVO", unsubscribeDetailsVO);

        } catch (IOException | SAXException e) {        }

        return requestMap;


And here is my Test class:

public class UnsubscribeXmlTransformerTest {
    Map<String, Object> requestMap = null;  

    public void prepareRequestMap() {
        requestMap = new HashMap<>();
        String inputStream = "some xml tags";

        requestMap.put(NeoConstants.INPUTSTREAM, inputStream);      

    public void processTest() throws Exception {
        UnsubscribeXmlTransformer ref = new UnsubscribeXmlTransformer();
        Map<String, Object> result = ref.process(requestMap);

        Assert.assertNotNull("Result is not null", result);
        Assert.assertFalse("Result is not empty", result.isEmpty());
        Assert.assertTrue("Result contains key named inputStream", result.containsKey(NeoConstants.INPUTSTREAM));
        Assert.assertTrue("Result contains key named unsubscribeDetailsVO", result.containsKey("unsubscribeDetailsVO"));
        Assert.assertTrue("Value with key unsubscribeDetailsVO is an instance of UnsubscribeDetailsVO", result.get("unsubscribeDetailsVO") instanceof UnsubscribeDetailsVO);

    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
    public void processTestForException() {
        UnsubscribeXmlTransformer ref = new UnsubscribeXmlTransformer();

        // how to cover                 


  • You can use Mockito.spy on your requestMap, and mock case, when exception should be thrown. Then (as pointed by jannis) you can use AssertJ's fluent API to verify there's no exception thrown (you are muting it in catch clause), e.g

    public void process_shouldCatchException() throws Exception{
        UnsubscribeXmlTransformer sut = new UnsubscribeXmlTransformer();
        Map<String, Object> requestMap = Mockito.spy(new HashMap<>());
        when(requestMap.put(eq("unsubscribeDetailsVO"), any()))
        assertThatCode(() -> sut.process(requestMap))