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ArangoDB Import: arangoimp file crashes on run (timeout 1200)

New to graph databases and trying to learn a few platforms for my senior project. I'm working on ArangoDB and can't seem to import data correctly.

The manual said to run the arangoimp file to execute import commands, but every time I launch the arangoimp file, it asks for a password (which is blank) and then exits with the following...

/Applications/ ; exit;
Please specify a password: 

Connected to ArangoDB 'http+tcp://',
version 3.3.15, database: '_system', username: 'root'
database:               _system
create:                 no
source filename:        
file type:              json
threads:                2
connect timeout:        5
request timeout:        1200
2018-09-20T19:17:30Z [25483] FATAL Collection name is missing.
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

Total noob here, so help is GREATLY appreciated... Working on a mac...


  • arangoimp is a command line tool that needs a few arguments. E.g. the collection you want to fill and the source data.

    So you should use something like:

    arangoimp --file "mydatafile.json" --type json --collection "mycollection"

    Read the arangoimp documentation for more detailed information about all options and access to remote databases.