I have a python source block that gets the number of variables (columns) and cases in a pandas' dataframe.
Minimal example:
#+begin_src python :exports none :session :results output
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3],
'b': [4, 5, 6]})
df_len_columns = len(df.columns)
df_len_cases = len(df.index)
What I would like to do now is use the value of those variables in inline source code like this:
The number of variables is src_python{df_len_columns}
and the number of cases is src_python{df_len_cases}
But this throws the following error:
NameError: name 'df_len_columns' is not defined
Notice that I'm using the session argument :session
thinking that it would be part of the same session and that it would work. I also search online extensively but couldn't find a solution to this particular question (most questions are about inline code for tables and inline code formatting).
Is there anyway to actually use these variables inline?
It looks like you need to tell the inline source code to refer to your session using a header argument:
The general form is src_<language>[<header arguments>]{<body>}
. Possible header arguments are listed in the org manual: Specific Header Arguments.
Note: The value is substituted when the org file is exported via org-export-dispatch