I have a gradle zip file that I want to use as a dependency in my project in intelliJ.
So I opened that project using Open and then pointing to build.gradle file. Tried to run it and got Could not find or load main class
How to solve this and then also how to add this project to some other project as a dependency in IntelliJ.
I am fairly new to IntelliJ and Java project settings, will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
The developers of that project have chosen to promote JitPack as the way to consume their JARs. You can tell because their Github project page has a little "JitPack" badge at the top of the readme. If you click on that badge, it takes you to this page showing how to add the dependency to your Gradle or Maven project.
If you're not yet using Maven or Gradle, this is a great opportunity to learn :-)
When you open your Maven or Gradle project in IntelliJ, it will automatically resolve the dependencies for you.