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How to copy eststo

How would I copy the the contents of eststo and create another eststo?

For example:

sysuse auto2, clear

eststo clear
eststo estimates1: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn, robust
estadd local aa "abc"
estadd local bb "bcd"

esttab estimates1

What I want to do is to copy estimates1 and create estimates2. The two should be identical.

Of course, one way to do this is to just re-run the regression again:

eststo clear
eststo estimates1: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn, robust
    estadd scalar obs=e(N)
    estadd local aa "abc"
    estadd local bb "bcd"
eststo estimates2: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn, robust
    estadd scalar obs=e(N)
    estadd local aa "abc"
    estadd local bb "bcd"   
esttab estimates1 estimates2, stats(obs aa bb)

But is there a way to do something like this (incorrect):

eststo estimates2 = estimates1


  • The following works for me:

    sysuse auto2, clear
    eststo clear
    eststo estimates1: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn, robust
    estadd scalar obs=e(N)
    estadd local aa "abc"
    estadd local bb "bcd"
    eststo estimates2
    esttab estimates1 estimates2, stats(obs aa bb)

    Note that the following also works:

    esttab estimates1 estimates1, stats(obs aa bb)

    Both approaches will produce the desired output:

                          (1)             (2)   
                        price           price   
    mpg                -104.5          -104.5   
                      (-1.21)         (-1.21)   
    rep78               723.2*          723.2*  
                       (2.29)          (2.29)   
    headroom           -656.0*         -656.0*  
                      (-2.23)         (-2.23)   
    trunk               79.23           79.23   
                       (1.05)          (1.05)   
    weight              5.286*          5.286*  
                       (2.66)          (2.66)   
    length             -93.33          -93.33   
                      (-1.51)         (-1.51)   
    turn               -196.6          -196.6   
                      (-1.24)         (-1.24)   
    _cons             16142.5*        16142.5*  
                       (2.08)          (2.08)   
    obs                    69              69                                          
    aa                    abc             abc   
    bb                    bcd             bcd   
    t statistics in parentheses
    * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001