I have a YAML that should be parsed as JAVA POJO object instead its throwing a java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to <mytype>
. The YAML is as below :
count: 1
- be-log-2018.09.20
searchText: someText
- um
- sa
count: 2
searchText: someMoreText
- um2
- sa2
count: 2
searchText: someMoreText
My POJO class is :
public class MyType {
private int count;
private String searchText;
private String[] services;
private String[] indicies;
and reading the YAML with :
ObjectMapper mapper= new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
mapper.readValue(new File(path), List.class);
Ideally I want to have a empty array if no data is given.
Use this
List<MyType> myTypeList = objectMapper.readValue(new File(path), new TypeReference<List<MyType>>() {});
Read more about TypeReference