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how to generate id with clone and put it value of textbox

please help to fix this issue, i need to increment id every time user clone row by press button, now clone working well but the problem with id =, i need to generate new id with every clone and put it in value of textbox "file id" check the code also here jsfiddle

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>   
$( ".add-row" ).click(function(){
    var $clone = $( "ul.personal-details" ).first().clone();
    $clone.append( "<button type='button' class='remove-row'>-</button>" );
    $clone.insertBefore( ".add-row" );
$( ".form-style-9" ).on("click", ".remove-row", function(){
<span class="form-style-9">
<ul class="personal-details">
    <table class="stretch" border="0">
            <td><label for="fname">File ID</label>
            <input name="fileid2[]" type="text" class="stretchnights" id="fileid2" value=""></td>       
<label for="fname">First Name</label>
<input  name="fname[]"  type="text" class="stretch" size="15"  maxlength="30" required >
                    <label for="lname">Last Name</label>
                    <input  name="lname[]"  type="text" class="stretch" size="15" maxlength="30" required  >
    <button type="button" class="add-row">+ New Client</button>
   <table width="25%" border="0"> <tr> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Insert"></tr></table>


  • 1st: select the input in the clone by using $clone.find('.stretchnights');

    2nd: to increase id by one each time you click the addrow button you need to set a variable outside the click event var id=0 change 0 with any number you need to start with

    3rd: change input id by using .attr('id' , newid) and change its value by using .val(newid) you can do this two things in just one line

    4th: increase id by one after finish append by using id++

      var id = 0;    // change 0 to the number you want to start with
      $( ".add-row" ).click(function(){
          var $clone = $( "ul.personal-details" ).first().clone();
          var $input = $clone.find('.stretchnights');
          $input.val('fileid'+id).attr('id' , 'fileid'+id)  // change fileid with any string you want 
          $clone.append( "<button type='button' class='remove-row'>-</button>" );
          $clone.insertBefore( ".add-row" );
          id++; // increase id by 1
      $( ".form-style-9" ).on("click", ".remove-row", function(){
    <script src=""></script>
    <span class="form-style-9">
    <ul class="personal-details">
        <table class="stretch" border="0">
                <td><label for="fname">File ID</label>
                <input name="fileid2[]" type="text" class="stretchnights" id="fileid2" value="fileid2"></td>        
    <label for="fname">First Name</label>
    <input  name="fname[]"  type="text" class="stretch" size="15"  maxlength="30" required >
                        <label for="lname">Last Name</label>
                        <input  name="lname[]"  type="text" class="stretch" size="15" maxlength="30" required  >
        <button type="button" class="add-row">+ New Client</button>
       <table width="25%" border="0"> <tr> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Insert"></tr></table>