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Can an application running under a less privileged account start a process executing another application under an administrative account?

I am logged in as the administrator when I installed an application named pdflatex.exe on my server. This application works as a converter from LaTeX input file to Pdf file.

I host an MVC 3 application running under an Application Pool Identity with Load User Profile = True.

The MVC 3 code contains a code that executes pdflatex.exe using System.Diagnostic.Process instance as follows:

        Process p = new Process();

        p.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        p.Exited += new EventHandler(p_Exited);

        p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-interaction=nonstopmode " + inputpath;
        p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"c:\\working";

        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        p.StartInfo.FileName = "pdflatex.exe";


From the scenario above,

  • the web application runs under a restricted acount but it executes
  • an external application under a default account that I don't know.

Can an application running under a less privileged account start a process executing another application under an administrative account?


  • No, a lower privilege application cannot start an elevated application without properly asking for UAC elevation (which prompts for an administrative username and password). If you could elevate a spawned app from a lower-access app, it would be a major security gap.