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What is the CLI equivalent of "exposing an API" in the Kyma console
kubectl expose
doesn't work here
how to do it with CLI
In Console UI functionality is located in
API exposure to internet is realized through special "API Gateway" component. You can read about its architecture and usage here
Exposure through Console UI
is realized by actually creating Api CRD
CLI equivalent is simple
kubectl apply {yaml_file}
. Description of all the fields of Api CRD and an example can be found here
How can I close over variables in kdb/Q?
When is the EACH operator extension necessary in K besides mod/rotate?
Handling single-character strings - in a function or in its caller? ssr()
Kdb+ data fomat when writing to a file
How to convert a symbol to a string in kdb+?
Sum of each two elements using vector functions
A dictionary with a single value and multiple keys
Table transformation, table as list of dicts
Accumulator gives different result then direct function applying
Reshape [cols;table]
FK field over IPC
Protected execution, 2 cases
Enums for tables
Converge (fixed point) syntax difference in q and k
.Q.trp and bt handling
NULLs in q and in k.h
Strange view declaration behaviour
How to build a parse-tree of projections?
Could not evaluate manually created equial ~ parse tree
Select distinct for all columns from keyed table
Parallel execution: blocking receive, deferred synchronous
Multiple variable assignment in q
Select a table from the inside of external select
Select when one of filter-column may not exists
What is the meaning of `s attribute on a table?
On parallel execution - which side reports about an error?
Validate if a keyed table have unique keys
Applying dictionary to dictionary
About xkey implementation
Parse tree built on values from vars
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