I am trying to send send an email from ansible
If I try it with gmail it works perfectly, However If I try with office 365 its not working.
Below is my Playbook.
- name: Mail Sendig using Ansible
hosts: localhost
- name: Mail sending using Mail Module
host: "smtp.office365.com"
port: 587
username: "dcalert@mycompany.com"
password: "mypasswd"
to: "Jon Snow <jon.snow@mycompany.com>"
subject: "Ansible"
body: "Hello from Ansible"
secure: starttls
I am getting below error
ASK [Send email]
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full
traceback, use -vvv. The error was: SMTPSenderRefused: (501, '5.1.7
Invalid address', 'root')
fatal: [localhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
"failed": true, "msg": "Failed to send mail to
jon.snow@mycompany.com: (501, '5.1.7 Invalid address',
'root')", "rc": 1}
You're missing from
Take a look here: Ansible Mail Module
It says the parameter from
defaults to root. Since you're not setting it, mail server says its invalid. Probably gmail doesnt handle it the same way as office365.
Give this a try...
- name: Mail Sendig using Ansible
hosts: localhost
- name: Mail sending using Mail Module
host: "smtp.office365.com"
port: 587
username: "dcalert@mycompany.com"
password: "mypasswd"
from: "dcalert@mycompany.com"
to: "Jon Snow <jon.snow@mycompany.com>"
subject: "Ansible"
body: "Hello from Ansible"
secure: starttls