I have a line chart in a report (rdlc), that I cannot get formatted correctly. There are 2 main things I am trying to accomplish.
1) The x-axis is a date, right now it is being displayed as the full date with time, and I want it to be displayed as mm/dd/yyyy. I have attempted to change this by using =FormateDateTime(Fields!EndDate.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate)
This is exactly how I saw it in Microsoft's examples, even the one included in VS2008 (what I am using), but for some reason it says that .ShortDate is and unrecognized identifier. I am thinking this might be a bug. So any ideas on how to get it into the mm/dd/yyyy format?
2) I want the values that are being plotted not to be there actual value but the previous values before added to the value. This is to accomplish a continual upward slope, showing the totals. I would also like to filter out zero's since the first 20 entries are so are 0. When I try to use the filter option it for some reason makes the chart just a flat line.
Any suggestions to any of these problems or a link to a good tutorial would be great as I am new to using these reports. Thanks!
Update: I have accomplished these by applying changes to the actual data being supplied, I would still like to know an easier better way to do this.
You can format the date in the lable under the general tab like this. =Format(Fields!POWDate.Value, "M/dd/yyyy")