I have a table in a MS Access database (.mdb
) that has a bunch of columns. I ran the following SQL query and it returned everything in the table to my C# application (Visual Studio 2012 Express).
Select OperatorNo, DateTime, FuelIssued, PreviousCredit, Term
From TransAll
Where Term = 'Invalid'
Now I am trying to add more criteria to the where
clause. I am trying to do a date range on the table name DateTime to be between a specific range.
Here is the SQL select statement I created via code:
Select OperatorNo, DateTime, FuelIssued, PreviousCredit, Term
From TransAll
Where Term = 'Invalid'
And DateTime Between '2018/6/24 00:00:00' and '2018/6/30 23:59:59'
I imported the access database into SQL Server express so I could manually figure out the SQL select command then fixed the code. The code is working in the SQL Server database. But in the C# code I am now I am getting an error:
Unhandled exception of type system.data.oledb.oledbexception occurred in system.data.dll. Additional information: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
Here is my code in question:
string tmpString = strSelectQuery + strWhereClause;
private DataSet myDS = new DataSet();
oledbDataAdapter MyAdapter = new oledbDataAdapter(tmpString, MyConnection);
MyAdapter.Fill(myDS); //this is where the error happens when I run my code
dgvResults.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
dgvResults.AutoSize = true;
dgvResults.DataSource = myDS;
dgvResults.DataMember = "Table";
dgvResults.ReadOnly = true;
if (dgvResults.RowCount == 0)
MessageBox.Show("No Data for that Date Range/Week");
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To make your SQL work, use Access SQL syntax for the string expressions for the date values:
OperatorNo, DateTime, FuelIssued, PreviousCredit, Term
Term = 'Invalid'
DateTime Between #2018/6/24 00:00:00# And #2018/6/30 23:59:59#
But, as already noted, use parameters. Much easier to debug.