How to properly setup mapping of either Dozer 6.4.1 or ModelMapper 2.2.0 to successfuly map java.time.LocalDate
field to java.util.Date
field and vice versa?
Consider these classes:
public class Foo {
private LocalDate signatureDate;
// getters and setters
public class Bar {
private Date signatureDate;
// getters and setters
Then calling, Bar.class);
won't work.
I've tried creating and registering custom converters. Using Dozer, I created class LocalDateToDateConverter
that extends DozerConverter<LocalDate, Date>
and implemented correct conversion. Then registered it like this:
mapper = DozerBeanMapperBuilder
.withCustomConverter(new LocalDateToDateConverter())
but the com.github.dozermapper.core.converters.DateConverter
is used instead when it comes to converting the class.
Also it's worth noting, that I would like a generic solution for all classes that may need this type conversion, so that I don't have to make converter for each class.
Using model mapper you can configure converters between Date
and LocalDate
for Bar
and Foo
private static final Converter<Date, LocalDate> DATE_TO_LOCAL_DATE_CONVERTER = mappingContext -> {
Date source = mappingContext.getSource();
return source.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate();
private static final Converter<LocalDate, Date> LOCAL_DATE_TO_DATE_CONVERTER = mappingContext -> {
LocalDate source = mappingContext.getSource();
return Date.from(source.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
Mapper configuration:
ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper();
TypeMap<Bar, Foo> barToFooMapping = mapper.createTypeMap(Bar.class, Foo.class);
barToFooMapping.addMappings(mapping -> mapping.using(DATE_TO_LOCAL_DATE_CONVERTER).map(Bar::getSignatureDate, Foo::setSignatureDate));
TypeMap<Foo, Bar> fooToBarMapping = mapper.createTypeMap(Foo.class, Bar.class);
fooToBarMapping.addMappings(mapping -> mapping.using(LOCAL_DATE_TO_DATE_CONVERTER).map(Foo::getSignatureDate, Bar::setSignatureDate));
Please pay attention to the timezones while converting Date
to LocalDate
and LocalDate
to Date