//parent class
module.exports = class Parser {
constructor() {}
tokenize(s) {}
fixDates(rule) {}
//child class
const Parser = require('./parser');
module.exports = class ParserEn extends Parser {
constructor() {}
run(str) {
super.tokenize(str.toLowerCase()).forEach(function (s) {
//here i want to acces to another function in the parent class
super.fixDates(rule); //I get this error: 'super' keyword unexpected here
Hi, As you can see in the above code, I have two functions in the parent class and a function in the child class. In the run function inside the child class, I can access to the to the tokenize by using keyword "super". However, I need to access the fixDates function too, but I do get this error: "'super' keyword unexpected here" . Would be great if someone helps me. Thanks in advance
You need to call super()
in the constructor of the child class. You should also use an arrow function in the forEach
callback, to preserve the this
class Parser {
constructor() {}
tokenize(s) { return [...s]; }
fixDates(rule) { console.log(rule); }
class ParserEn extends Parser {
constructor() {
run(str) {
super.tokenize(str.toLowerCase()).forEach((s) => {
const parseren = new ParserEn();