I looked at the code for a number of spring cloud config servers in github repo and below are the 2 values that are provided as part of property file. I believe in order to connect to https end point of github , user id and password are also necessary. Could these perhaps be part of environment variables?
Below is the example that I saw in spring website. However in all the github repos within my enterprise I don't see userid and password being set as they are sensitive info. How could it be set or config server access github url , if uid / pwd is not provided in the property file?
uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
username: trolley
password: strongpassword
So, for example what if i set property use command-line directly (which has highest precedence.) like:
java -jar config-server.jar --spring.cloud.config.server.git.username=xxx --spring.cloud.config.server.git.password=xxx
which contain all param in CI tools or whatever then managed by someone, you wouldn't see that in source code.