This is a small question but I'm finding very hard to solve this. I have multiple activities. For example A B and C. When app is launched A is opened and on click of button will redirect me to activity B and then from B on click of another button will take me to C. On Back pressed will now bring me back to B and again on Back button is pressed will take me to A which is main Activity.
Now if I press back button, instead the app should creates loop between B and A and never exit the app.
I already used the following method
Method 1:
use of this.finish
onBackPressed which didn't help
Method 2:
use android:nohistory = true
in manifest
But If I do so then from C activity it will directly take me to A which I don't want.
Method 2. Use of
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
//to clear all old opened activities
when I use this then everytime this opens up in my device
Please anyone help.
This is my code in Mainactivity now
public void onBackPressed() {
But also it don't work and it creates loop between A and B Activity.
Your code (in MainActivity) is incorrect , put finish() after super.onBackPressed()
it must be :
public void onBackPressed() {
finishAffinity(); // or finish();