Search code examples

Frequency table of two variables as percentage of whole sample

I have two variables:

  1. Married, which is either Married or Not Married
  2. Race, which is Black, White, or Other

I'm trying to find the percent of Married and Black within the whole population.

I have tried the following code:

tab married race, row

   married |     black      other      white |     Total
   married |       274         18      1,150 |     1,442 
           |     19.00       1.25      79.75 |    100.00 
    single |       309          8        487 |       804 
           |     38.43       1.00      60.57 |    100.00 
     Total |       583         26      1,637 |     2,246 
           |     25.96       1.16      72.89 |    100.00 

However, I'm looking for 274/2246, not 274/1442 which is what the 19.00 gives me.


  • You can do this directly with the cell option:

    sysuse auto, clear
    tabulate foreign rep78, cell
    | Key             |
    |    frequency    |
    | cell percentage |
               |                   Repair Record 1978
      Car type |      Poor       Fair    Average       Good  Excellent |     Total
      Domestic |         2          8         27          9          2 |        48 
               |      2.90      11.59      39.13      13.04       2.90 |     69.57 
       Foreign |         0          0          3          9          9 |        21 
               |      0.00       0.00       4.35      13.04      13.04 |     30.43 
         Total |         2          8         30         18         11 |        69 
               |      2.90      11.59      43.48      26.09      15.94 |    100.00