I am developing cordova plugins for android based on android libraries and components. In many of my adaptations I encountered the Inflation exception
error in many of them.
I created many issues regarding this here is my last one : https://github.com/wdullaer/MaterialDateTimePicker/issues/524
These exceptions don't come out when I use the library inside a native android studio app. Here I am asking about the potential reasons for this kind of error to emerge from a Cordova plugin
you could git clone https://github.com/wdullaer/MaterialDateTimePicker.git
and then add that project as a dependency, with fixed layout mdtp_daypicker_group.xml
or even fork it, fix the layout/styles and then create a pull request (to have it fixed in their repository).
most likely should be:
but then it complains:
?android:attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless requires API level 21 (current min is 14)
you'd either have add this style res/values-v16/styles.xml
and possibly up until API level 19
(or even up until 28
, in one does not want to use those resources) -
or set the minSdkLevel
to 21
adding selectableItemBackgroundBorderless
into res/values/styles.xml
should also make the layout work (without the android:
prefix), because this would declare the style for all API levels ...while not using any Android SDK resources.