I am using window.history.replaceState
and having some issues in that it keeps appending to the url.
It has been marked as a duplicate of this questionwhich I think is a mistake as when I use that code the same issue is occurring and it keeps appending the index to the url as described below.
Please see my code below:
let index = 1;
function incrementIndexAndUpdateUrl() {
window.history.replaceState('Object', 'Title', `${window.location.href }/${index}`);
The issue I am having is that the url keeps appending the number so it is doing something like the following:
Does anyone know how the code should look to update the url like as follows:
It is also worth noting the url is dynamic so I can't hardcode the path. I just want to update the index at the end of the url.
Since you are appending an /something
, you are actually changing the pathname.
So the easy way, is to store the original one before you do change it:
let index = 1;
const path = location.pathname;
btn.onclick = incrementIndexAndUpdateUrl;
function incrementIndexAndUpdateUrl() {
window.history.replaceState('Object', 'Title', `${path}/${index}`);
<button id="btn">increment</button>